Thursday, March 12, 2009

Yoga, Half Marathon Training

My yoga class is KICKING my ass. Actually, it's killing my quads more like it, which is good because I have some super thunder thighs. I will happily murder them, haha.

Who's over the winter? I am definitely trying hard not to drag my feet around. Every time it's a nice day I bring out my new Spring purse. Desperate much? Though, after the spring comes the summer, and I have some not-s0-fond memories of puking gatorade like no one's business when it was 95 degrees and I had just run 5 miles.

I am soooo sore from Wednesday's speed work + yoga. 45 minutes of going from speed walking to all-out sprints? No joke. Possibly harder than running 10 miles. 2 hours of yoga? Serious business.

I'm doing the Long Island 1/2 in May. Yay! About time, huh?


sarah sundae said...

I hate the winter.

jinxxxygirl said...

Sarsy girl speaking of yoga you should check out my latest blog entry. Yoga is awesome! My body is sooo thanking me. My 5k is suppose to be tomorrow. But we are talking 30 degrees at 8:30am. Not entirely sure i'm up for that. As long as the winds not blowing i will probably go. I've been looking forward to it for over a month. This cold front sucks. Its been in the 80's and now this happens.Brrrr.! Your doing great girl! I saw a personal trainer today and she set up a weightlifting schedule for me. I've run twice this week my normal three mile runs plus walk one mile then a 20 min high incline run on a treadmill and some speed work on a tread mill , One cycling class and two yoga classes and one weight training session. Today is my day off and tomorrow my 5k. I lost 3.2 pounds this week girl! I saw 172 on the scale. I'm like freaking out! This whole gym thing is awesome. I think my body is responding to just doing different things instead of just running. Keep it up girl! We will have victory! Jinx!

Heather said...

You are doing so great! Can you believe how far you have come?

sarah said...
