Friday, May 22, 2009


I was seriously eating cupcakes every day. Every. Day. For like two straight weeks while I was sick. 

I finally cut myself off. I've been pretty stressed out. I've gained a good ten pounds and I'm really upset because I'm almost back to the weight I was at the beginning of February.

I just cried a little because I restrained myself from getting cupcakes after work.

School needs to be over now. x.x;

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

C25K training all over again

So I'm training my mom's journey to 5K-ness. We went out this morning at 5:30 to do her first 25 minutes of jog/walk intervally goodness. With our dog. Which is promising because I would love to run with Sophie on days where I don't have a running partner. Also, I am really excited to run a 5K with my mommy! It feels good to inspire people. I wish my sister would run too. When I ask her to start with me she avoids me like I'm going to give her The Running Flu instead of the swine flu. LOL.

Imagine running being contagious?

Last night's Biggest Loser Marathon challenge got me so hyped up. I wanted to run a marathon right then and there! I think I will have to wait a while though because of my friend's knee. For now I want to enter a lot of 5K's and get faster. 

Sunday, May 3, 2009

I did it!

It poured the ENTIRE time, my pace sucked because I wasn't going to take off from my friend (her knee started killing her at about mile 5 so we run/walked it), but it was, for the most part, fun despite the things stacked against the race actually being fun. Sometimes with running the fun part is the misery. If you don't're probably not a runner, and therefore probably semi normal. LOL. 

But yay! I has medal! And sore legs. I just had the best shower of my life. Port-a-potties make my soul cry.

We were running ten minute miles until mile 5! Oh, what could have been. But I'm happy we did it together. I grabbed both my friends' hands as we ran across the finish.

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Race ready!

The lawn of racing accouterments! Leaving at 5AM...I need to sleep! So nervous/excited. I'll let you know how it was.